You have heard about it... The Value Ladder

Maybe you struggle with pricing your offers correctly to ensure smooth progression through the value ladder. Below you find a few examples. But beware, you shouldn't just take this as your truth since there are no cookie cutter ways to do this. My clients aim for freedom and they thrive with just one or to offers, and that's enough. The more offers, the more time you need to spend on delivering. My expertise is to streamline and automate as much as possible regarding lead generation, sales  and delivery of your online courses. 

1:1 Mentoring

This is where your offers priced at $30K and beyond are positioned. You can have really bespoke offers that are really tailored for the client that want to come further in a much shorter time.

High Ticket Offer

This is where your offers priced at $2,500 up to $30K are positioned. Often comes with a community and at least one group coaching call every week and an in person event. Clients often come from your mid ticket offers.

Mid Ticket Offer

This is where your offers priced at $497 up to $2,500 are positioned. Often comes with a community and at least one group coaching call every month. Clients often come from your warm audience that you've built up in the previous steps.

Low Ticket Offer

Easy to digest, a no brainer offer to invest in and quite easy and fast to implement for your client. And more often than not, without any coaching included. Often have upsells. Great for building an audience of buyers that pays for your lead generation.

Value bombs*

Content that builds know, like and trust. Preferably content that change common (false) beliefs about your industry. Make you stand out as someone that knows your shit and have the courage to call it out.